Microsoft Releases Social Networking Special Student

Microsoft has recently launched a social network, pronounced with a 'social'. Social network was created by Microsoft's FUSE Laboratory.

In contrast to Facebook, Twitter or Google +, more intended for students who have an interest in social media.

Microsoft describes as experimental research for students that combines a search engine and social networking for the purpose of the study.

Through, the student can menggunggah many elements of photographs, video, and text and share it with their friends. Social networking also allows students to create their own social features that are tailored to their communities.

"We hope the students continue to use products such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks, and Bing, Google and other search tools," said Lili Cheng, General Manager FUSE Microsoft Research Labs in the blog Mediabistro cited, Wednesday, December 28, 2011. encourage students to reimagine how the communication takes place daily in researching, learning and sharing in their daily lives. Students could study the way people share and exchange information in the form of the world. currently only available to students at the school of information and design at the University of Washington, Syracuse University, and New York University.

source; tempo
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Tutorial Virtual Linux “Ubuntu 10.04”

  Hellow teman-teman lama gak posting lagi banyak tugas jadi lagi sempet posting dach alvin disini akan menjelaskan masalah yang berhubungan degan sistem oprasi Linux yang lagi Tenar.
 langsung adja dach ke TKP gak usah bertele-tele...Technow

1.     Pertama, kita buka VMware yang sudah di instal di computer.

2.     Pilih Next dan dan centang pilihan yang kedua dan browse serta masukkan Iso Ubuntu 10.10

3.     Pilih next dan ini nama Virtual Ubuntu yang anda mau buat.
4.     Pilih next dan isi disk yang mau di pakai jika saya isi 7 GB karena tergantung juga dengan harddisk masing-masing

5. Pilih next dan cek detail tulisan yang ditampilkan kemuadian pilih Finish

6. Tunggu dan lihat

7. Jika gambar seperti di bawah jadi proses mulai booting terjadi

8. Tunggu kembali dan liat Loading-nya

9. Tunggu loading ke-dua lumayan lama coy__ jadi agak sabar yach…^_^

10. Udah slesai Coy…tinggal gunain adja memori terbatas…jadi gak usah bwat yag macem-macem cm sekedar belajar OS Linuk-Ubuntu…Oke semoga bermanfaat

Siip dach thanks udah liat nie brow...please beri komen tuk blog gue yach...heheh
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Tutorial Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense

Welcome any kind for my friends, this time Alvin will share tips and tricks, especially for those of you bloggers who want to look for the dollar coins Tutorial How to Apply Google Adsense. This time, Alvin will discuss about whether Google Adsense (GA)? and how the Google Adsense How to Apply?. Hopefully Helpful.

Google Adsense Tutorial How to Apply

Google adsense is a program through media Internet advertising partnership held by Google. Through the Google AdSense advertising program, web site or blog owners who have registered and been approved for membership may install a form of ad units and the material has been determined by Google in their web pages. Website or blog owners will get a profit sharing revenue from Google for each ad clicked by visitors to the site, known as Pay Per Click system (PPC) or pay per click.

Here's How to Apply Google Adsense:
  • First you must access the url google adsense
  • After the Google Adsense page appears, then you can click "Sign Up Now 'to google adsense memulain registration.
01 Tutorial Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense Tutorial Mendaftar Google Adsense Tutorial Google Adsense Tutorial Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense Tips & Trik PPC Pay Per Click Google adsense adalah Google Adsense Contact Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense berbagi pengalaman Account Google
Tutorial sign up Google Adsense - Pilih Sign Up Now
  • On the next page, Google Adsense will ask you whether you already have a Google Account? if you already have a Google account, then you select "Yes, Process Google Account To Sign", but if you do not already have a google account, then select "No, Create a New Google Account". * the current instance that you have Google Adsense Account *.
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Tutorial Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense - Account Google
  • After that select "Yes, Process Google Account To Sign" then you are logged on google account page.
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Tutorial Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense - Login Account Google
  • If you successfully login, then you enter the website URL you want to register and language you use on the website.
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Tutorial Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense - Verifikasi Website
  • Next, you enter the information contact person. * name, address and other ID cards must be such as *.
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Tutorial Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense - Verifikasi Contact Person
  • And you have successfully signed up for Google Adsense. * to notice if your account is accepted, the info will be sent via email. *
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Tutorial Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense -

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The Melbourne Shuffle

        Melbourne Shuffle is one kind of reve dance dance (dance performed in clubs) from Melbourne, Australia. This dance was first introduced in 1980 and began to spread all around the world in 2005 with the presence of youtube.

         in 2005 launched the first documentation in the form of DVD, entitled "Melbourne Shuffle Documentary". basic movements of this dance called shuffle or currently better known as the T-step. in 2005 and the Melbourne shuffle evolved Man was born the running movement. were added as a variation of this dance. which then became one of the basic movements of dance.

         People who dance are called the Melbourne Shuffle Rever_Shuffler_Rocker (basically the same). The dance was first born from the music HardDance, HardTrance, HardTechno, HardStyle. and it is the Underground culture'nya melbourne. melbourne shuffle because it is a culture if we have to appreciate the originality of our culture just the same as if copied by other people or any other country we would expect a culture are implemented in accordance with the original.

        Not suitable when using the Bali Kecak dance jogja folk songs, as well as the melbourne shuffle. commonly understood and hopefully understand what it's actually Melbourne Shuffle.

Colege best

Pic A costum Shuffle From Melbourne
Patch is celana yang digunakan unutk shuffler yang sudah ahli atau sudah bisa shuffle dengan beat yang cepat dan dengan baik

T-shirt Shuffle
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Cara Mempercepat Loading Image Pada WordPress

How to Speed ​​Loading Image In WordPress

Cara Mempercepat Loading Image Pada WordPress - WordPress LogoHow to Speed ​​Loading Image In WordPress. Join Friends For the first time will give tips on how to wordpress blog loading quickly with the image so much. So if you want to speed up loading image that we are able to move the host image into sub-domains us this because most browsers download two - four connections when downloading from a Web page server. It would be better if the image ki host in sub-domain because the browser can download the image in parallel with our website. WordPress does not support us to host image in a different domain but the support and allow it to host image in the Sub-Domain. Immediately, how How to Accelerate Loading Image In WordPress.

    A. Creating a Sub-Domain. Here please create a Sub-Domain with CPanel, for Sub-Domains are generally used,, After completion directly to step two.
    2. Changing the Default Image Upload Folder. Here friends - friends can be found in Settings> Media, more details can be seen in the following figure:

  1. Cara Mempercepat Loading Image Pada WordPress - Folder Upload Image
    # Here ane using a sub-domain on the Domain img
    # Move to the Sub-Domain Image. Please move all image friend - friend to the Sub-Domains that have been made ​​earlier. By Default if Teme - friend not to change there image folder in wp-content-uploads.
    # Once completed the final step friend - friend should change all the links in the previous image previous image found on the folder in the wordpress database. The following steps to change the link to the database.

         * Click on phpMyAdmin and select the wordpress database friend - friend.

    • Cara Mempercepat Loading Image Pada WordPress - phpmyadmin
    • After that, select the SQL tab in phpmyadmin.
      Cara Mempercepat Loading Image Pada WordPress - SQL
               * Then click GO.
        3. Redirect Image. This process is used exclusively for google robot or robot. This is the last step so that the robot is directed to the 404 page to index the page image as friend - friend. Well the following script in place it on file. Htaccess Here's the script:
           RedirectMatch 301 ^ / wp-content/uploads / (. *) $ Http:// $ 1

    Up here first for How to Accelerate Loading Image In WordPress, may be useful for the friend - friend and look forward to other tips and tricks about Wordpess and Blogging.

    • Cara Mempercepat Loading Image Pada WordPress - SQL QueryImage
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As per Intel’s marketing strategy, Intel sticks the same price tag of their previous fastest CPU variant onto their new CPU variant. Not this time though.

Intel is introducing another K series chip in the market that is known as the Core i7-2700K on the current Sandy Bridge platform (LGA 1155). The new CPU is expected to launch around sometime in October with a higher premium price than the current i7-2600K.
The rumored 2700K is a quad-core clocked at 3.5 GHz with a Turbo Boost of 3.9 GHz, 2MB L2 and 8MB L3 cache rated at 95W. So in comparison, there is only a 100 MHz bump up in the existing clock speed.
Further on, says these new 2700K chips will be cherry picked out of the Sandy Bridge platform so overclockers can make the best of it. (Personally to me this sounds more of a marketing gimmick into making enthusiasts opt for this variant)
Lastly, the Core i7-2700K would not be priced at $317 (Current price of the 2600K) but instead for $331 according to Fudzilla.
This move seems more of Intel readying another arsenal in their fight for market share against AMD’s upcoming Bulldozer ahead of it’s own Ivy Bridge launch besides leaking the news of the i7-2700K surfacing itself.

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Get More Visitors With Plipeo

Get More Visitors With Plipeo

Hello friend, this time I’ll share you about the way increase your visitors for blog/web, for beginner blogger this way maybe useful for increase the visitor, and I already to prove it, first time I make this blog my visitors just around two or five, but after I register in, now I can get visitor around twenty visitors or more, so just direct, lets read this article, this website helping blogger for get many visitor, you just submit your blog article in Plipeo. The rules is you send a visitor to Plipeo and as the change plipeo will send you back around twofold
For get visitors from Plipeo
Follow this way :

1. Please register your blog/website here
2. Please add Pilpeo WIDGETs in your blog, and for get the widget please open your widget page.
3. After add the WIDGET in your blog, Pleas you make a post about Plipeo Service like a way for registering, benefit or review about then add to add post page with choice category Support US.
4. After that you can add some post your blog content to post pages of
5. And finish . .

Maybe just that I can share this time, I hope my article help beginner blogger like me to increase the visitors, another time I’ll share for you another tips and trick again, thank’s very much for read my article and visit my blog, see you, cordially yours AllGoodMen

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Typing with 10 fingers with Easy

one when I see my brother typing quickly and did not look at the keyboard typing with 10 fingers ... very nice ... so I wanted to share some tips and trix for rapid typing with 10 fingers and without looking at the keyboard.
The first: we see the following picture

in the following pictures are color and function of each color, and there are hands that are already in place are already determined.

second: you place your hand in exactly in the image above, then write and type the following letters.

A. asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; (30x)
2. qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop (40x)
3. zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / (50x)

4. the quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog (60x)
5. typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump (10x)
6. seorang yang tak dapat membaca harus kita bimbing dengan ikhlas dan harus dengan sikap yang baik (20x)
7. ho ho ho he he he hi hi hi (10x)

keep doing over and over again for 7 days and hopefully this will Sciences bermaanfaat you use throughout your life "remember

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