How to Install Password in flash

Category: Teknow How to Install Password in flash. This time I will share cara memasang password pada flashdisk. Friends can see how to install a password on the flash via this blog ani. Want to know how?
How to install the password in flash is no software you know! For those who want to secure the flash of friends by following the password is no way to install a password on the stick without the software. Fairly simple way by using the notepad. And put on your stick.

Following steps to install a password on the flash:
A. Open Notepad
2. Write the following code in notepad

on error goto 0
dim s,quest,sd,m,winpath,fs
set sd=createobject(“”)
set fs=createobject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
set winpath=fs.getspecialfolder(0)
set s=wscript.createobject(“”)
do while quest=”"
quest=inputbox(“Enter the PASSWORD, if you enter the wrong password, then this computer will ShutDown! "," Insert your password friends!”)
if quest=”" then
m=MsgBox(“Sorry you have not entered a password…!”, 0+0+48, “”)
end if
if quest=”WRITE PASSWORD HERE” then “shutdown -a” winpath & “\explorer.exe /e,/select, ” & Wscript.ScriptFullname
else “shutdown -s -t 0″
end if
3. Save on your flash with passwordme.vbs name before the save as sure to choose All Files.
4. Open another new notepad sheet. New File (Ctrl + N)
5. Write this code

shellexecute=wscript.exe passwordme.vbs
action=FlashDisk already INSTALLED PASSWORD
6. Save on the stick you with the name autorun.inf, before the save as sure to choose All Files.
7. completed

Note :
*) WRITE HERE PASSWORD = fill with your desired password
*) If the password is incorrect, then the computer will shutdown.
*) Autorun on the computer should be in a position of Enabled.
That's how to install a password in the flash. Now flash you safe from the hands of ignorant.

Good luck How to Install Password in flash.


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