Facebook emotion code

Latest Facebook Emotion 2012. This time I will share the latest facebook emotion code.code Emotion Facebook This new use for the chat on Facebook. Friends can get the codes emotion this blog via facebook. want?
Write / copy the code "[[code chat]]" below, then paste in facebook chat column. Here is the latest facebook chat code 2012. source: kaskus
Here's the latest facebook emotion code 2012:

Icon Font:

[[244961858909298]] = A
[[344113652270150]] = B
[[157919817645224]] = C
[[164461493653696]] = D
[[196752423751220]] = E
[[301630573215430]] = F
[[251496118250464]] = G
[[266394220086654]] = H
[[164866556948132]] = I
[[180599335371968]] = J
[[209067005843651]] = K
[[238594039545396]] = L
[[147702285338528]] = M
[[309221402452022]] = N
[[180901405340714]] = O
[[246506925416551]] = P
[[333343613344059]] = Q
[[123128367803569]] = R
[[316143388416019]] = S
[[334073456605673]] = T
[[199626093460643]] = U
[[224202614323263]] = V
[[157919817645224]] = W
[[205228226232732]] = X
[[142420399202282]] = Y
[[224202614323263]] = Z
Emotion Kaskus di Faceboook Chat:
[[243344945733611]] = Repost
[[205827876172490]] = Confused
[[261018420628968]] = Thumbs
[[328740787138287]] = Nope
[[296027833771776]] = Capede
[[311851138846391]] = Excessive
[[guengakak]] =Hugs
Rage Faces:
[[171108522930776]] = trollface
[[foreveralonecomics]] = forever alone.
[[MegustaMeMe]] = Me Gusta.
[[149333368464171]] = Yao.
[[145768898802324]] = FUUUUUU.
[[168456309878025]] = LoL.
[[FapFapFapFap.B]] = Fap Fap Fap Fap.
[[106043532814443]] = Y U NO.
[[214457085240151]] = Nothing to do here.
[[129627277060203]] = Poker Face.
[[160723207280093]] = Are you f*cking kidding me?
[[ChallengeAceptado]] = challenge Accepted.See More.
Icon Kartun:
[[249199828481201]] – Konata Izumi
[[250128751720149]] – Domo Kun
[[223328504409723]] – Gintoki Sakata
[[236147243124900]] – Pokeball
[[326134990738733]] – Pikachu
[[155393057897143]] – Doraemon
[[224502284290679]] – Nobita
[[144685078974802]] – Mojacko
[[334954663181745]] – Spongebob
[[196431117116365]] – Shin chan
[[148935948523684]] – Pedo Bear
[[269153023141273]] – Poring
Icon yang lain:
Thus at a glance info about the code of my latest facebook Emotion 2012.
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