Welcome any kind for my friends, this time Alvin will share tips and tricks, especially for those of you bloggers who want to look for the dollar coins Tutorial How to Apply Google Adsense. This time, Alvin will discuss about whether Google Adsense (GA)? and how the Google Adsense How to Apply?. Hopefully Helpful.
- First you must access the url google adsense http://www.google.com/adsense.
- After the Google Adsense page appears, then you can click "Sign Up Now 'to google adsense memulain registration.
- On the next page, Google Adsense will ask you whether you already have a Google Account? if you already have a Google account, then you select "Yes, Process Google Account To Sign", but if you do not already have a google account, then select "No, Create a New Google Account". * the current instance that you have Google Adsense Account *.
- After that select "Yes, Process Google Account To Sign" then you are logged on google account page.
- If you successfully login, then you enter the website URL you want to register and language you use on the website.
- Next, you enter the information contact person. * name, address and other ID cards must be such as *.
- And you have successfully signed up for Google Adsense. * to notice if your account is accepted, the info will be sent via email. *
2 Respones to "Tutorial Cara Mendaftar Google Adsense"
kalau daftar nya dari blog gimana ???
18 Maret 2012 pukul 09.44
Thanks Udah komen di blog saya...
kalau lewat blog saya belum begitu tau...tapi ada cara lain yang bisa bwat daftar GA and saya udah buktiin bisa walaupun belum mendapatkan dollar hehehe
maaf tutorialnya belum saya bwat teman.
22 Maret 2012 pukul 20.07
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