one when I see my brother typing quickly and did not look at the keyboard typing with 10 fingers ... very nice ... so I wanted to share some tips and trix for rapid typing with 10 fingers and without looking at the keyboard.
The first: we see the following picture
in the following pictures are color and function of each color, and there are hands that are already in place are already determined.
second: you place your hand in exactly in the image above, then write and type the following letters.
A. asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; (30x)
2. qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop qweruiop (40x)
3. zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / zxcvm,. / (50x)
4. the quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog (60x)
5. typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump (10x)
6. seorang yang tak dapat membaca harus kita bimbing dengan ikhlas dan harus dengan sikap yang baik (20x)
7. ho ho ho he he he hi hi hi (10x)
keep doing over and over again for 7 days and hopefully this will Sciences bermaanfaat you use throughout your life "remember"
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